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To see game controls : press F1 .

Keyboard and mouse controls

Actions Keys
Basic attack Left click
Secondary attack Rick click
Toggle wield R
Swap loadout Tab
Interact E
Block Alt left
Hotbar slot 1
Hotbar slot 2
Hotbar slot 3
Hotbar slot 4
Hotbar slot 5
Hotbar slot 6
Hotbar slot 7
Hotbar slot 8
Hotbar slot 9
Hotbar slot Q
Actions Keys
Toggle cursor ,
Respawn Space
Move foward W
Move backward S
Move left A
Move right D
Jump Space
Roll Middle Click
Sit K
Dance J
Greet H
Glider Left Ctrl
Climb Space
Climb down Left shift
Swim upward Space
Swim downward Left shift
Fly H
Sneak Left shift
Toggle lantern G
Mount F
Actions Keys
Chat /
Command /
Escape ESC
Map M
Bag B
Trade T
Social O
Crafting C
Spells P
Setting F10
Toggle Interface F2
Toggle help windows F1
Toggle FPS and debug info F3
Toggle chat F5
Toggle Fullscreen F11
Take screenshot F4
Toggle Nametags F6
Actions Keys
Free look L
Auto walk/swim .
Camera clamp ,
Cycle camera 0
Select entity X
Accept group invit Y
Decline group invite N
Increase map zoom +
Decrease map zoom -
Set a waypoint in the map Middle click
Spectate speed boost Left Ctrl
Spectate viewpoint Middle click
Mute master volume Mute
Mute master volume (inactive windows) None
Mute music volume F8
Mute SFX volume None
Mute ambience music None

Gamepad controllers

If you use a gamepad for playing veloren, can you help us completing this section ? we need : the gamepad name, the OS, the setting.ron you used. Thank a lot !

I got Xbox 360 controller working the best I could on my page

Voxygen supports inputs via a gamepad or game controller. Unfortunately, inputs are not yet configurable through a GUI, but settings.ron can be edited manually via the controller section.

-Dualshock4 controller (WIP)

-Steam controller (ask Povoq)

PS4 or other controller not working

Currently only XInput controllers are supported on Windows. This means that controllers like the PS4, Switch, and some older generic controllers may not work with Veloren.

In order to work around this, a program such as DS4Windows can be used. Both a text and video tutorial on how to use DS4Windows can be found here :

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