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Commands can be used to modify the world, change configuration, moderate or manage player state. They can be used by players and server owners. In Veloren there are different command scopes which can be used depending on where they are being executed.

Arguments surrounded by < > are required, ( ) indicates an optional argument.

In-Game commands

Commands than can be used by Admins in-game.

Command Description
/adminify <user> Gives or removes admin status from a given user
/ban <user> Blocks given user from entering the server
/build Toggles build mode which allows for modifying the terrain
/campfire Places a campfire at player's current position
/dropall Makes the player drop all of their items
/dummy Spawns a training dummy at player's location
/explosion Spawns an explosion at player's location
/give_exp <amount> (user) Gives amount of experience points, if no user specified the experience points will be given to player executing the command
/give_item <item id> (amount) Gives amount of an item to current user
/goto <x> <z> <y> Teleports player to given coordinates
/health <amount> Changes current health
/jump <x> <z> <y> Teleports the player to relative location
/kick <user> (reason) Kicks player from the server
/kill_npcs Kills all loaded NPCs
/kit <kit_name> Place a set of items into your inventory.
/kit all Gives everything except weapon (weapons are modular)
/kit tier-<n> Give you all tier component where n is a number between 0 and 5. eg : /kit tier-5
/lantern <strength> (red) (green) (blue) Changes the strength and color of light given by currently held lantern
/light (red) (green) (blue) Spawns a light object at players location
/make_block <block> Places a block at player's location
/make_sprite <sprite> Places a sprite at player's location
/object <id> Creates an object at player's location
/remove_lights (distance) Removes lights from given distance
/set_level <level> (player) Changes experience level
/set_motd <message> Changes Message of the Day
/spawn <type> <name> (amount) (ai) Spawns given entity. Ai parameter controls whether the spawned entity will have AI or not
/sudo <user> <command> Execute command as given user
/tp <player> Teleports to other player
/unban <player> Removes a ban from a given player
/waypoint Saves current position as a spawn point
/whitelist <add/remove> <player> Adds or removes player from a server whitelist

Commands that can be used by players in-game.

Commands Permission required Description
/group_invite <user> Group leader Invites a player to the group
/group_kick <user> Group leader Kicks a player from the group
/group_promote <user> Group leader Promotes a player to a group leader
/alias <new name> Player Changes username alias
/debug_column <x> <z> Player Prints various debug information about location specified by coordinates
/debug Player Gives the player a set of debug items
/faction (message) Player Switches the chat mode to faction chat
/group (message) Player Switches the chat mode to faction chat
/group_leave Player Leaves the current group
/help Player Prints a list of commands and their descriptions
/kill Player Causes the player to die immediately
/motd Player Prints current Message of the Day
/players Player Lists all players and their levels connected to the server
/region Player Switches the chat mode to everyone in region of the world
/say Player Switches the chat mode to everyone in shouting distance
/tell <player> (message) Player Sends a private message to given player
/time (time) Player Prints or changes the in-game time (can be numerical time like 12:03 or alias like midnight)
/version Player Prints current version
/world (message) Player Switches the chat mode to everyone in the world

Server console commands

Commands that can be only executed inside of server console.

Command Description
quit Closes the server immediately
shutdown <time> Closes the server after amount of seconds
abortshutdown Stops the scheduled shutdown
admin <add/remove> <player> admin Adds or removes the player from administartor list
help Lists available commands
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