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From Veloren Wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Getting Started and the translation is 39% complete.
A screenshot of Veloren's title screen
The title screen of Veloren!

欢迎来到 Veloren! 此页面介绍了游戏的基础知识,但如果您想进一步阅读特定主题,则提供指向其他几个页面的链接


要在多人服务器进行游戏,你需要创建一个账号。对于官方默认的Veloren服务器,可以在 [ 这里] 创建一个账号。


A screenshot showing the character creation screen
The Character Creation Screen


当前Veloren中有六个可玩的种族: HumansOrcsDwarvesElvesUndeadDanari。其中Danari是唯一一个你不太熟悉的种族;他/她们是这个游戏创造的特殊种族。





Main interface and hotkeys



  • P - 打开日记
  • M - 打开地图
  • O - 打开社交菜单
  • N - 打开设置
  • B - 打开背包/储物箱
  • C - 打开制作菜单




Main article: Items
Drag items from your inventory to your hotbar








A screenshot of the Rawhide Chestpiece armor showing its tooltip
Prepare yourself by equipping gear.




A screenshot of a bee hive and apple found in a tree



Main article: Crafting
A screenshot showing the crafting menu in-game

C键可以打开制作菜单。你将看到一个可制作的物品的列表,其中的一些可能变灰色 -- 那表示你没有足够的材料或工具来制作它们。物品可以用从世界中搜集的或者敌人掉落的原料来制作。食物可以制作成更高效的食物,并且某些基础的武器和盔甲也可以被制作。你可以在制作菜单左上角的搜索栏中搜索特定的配方。你也可以通过在搜索栏输入input:加上物品的名称来搜索使用某个特定物品的配方。



Main article: Combat















By pressing the P key, you will open your Diary. This contains tabs for your Skill Trees, Abilities, and Stats.

Skill Tree & Skill Points

Progression through the skill point system.

Skill points are the second main method of progression in Veloren.

As you defeat enemies, you will gain experience points in the skill trees of the weapons you wield (if they are unlocked). Additionally, no matter what, you will gain experience in the General Combat skill tree.

Use the skill points to unlock new skills and upgrade aspects of those skills. In the General Combat skill tree, you can upgrade core stats of your character, like health, roll speed, and the weapon skill trees themselves.

Weapons equipped either in your main hand or your off hand will receive experience points whenever you defeat something. Thus, it is best for you to find weapon types you like and unlock the skill trees in them before anything else.

You will also gain experience points specific to the Mining skill tree when using a pickaxe to mine ores.


When you have unlocked abilities, they will be found here. From here, you can drag and drop listed abilities to any of the first five slots of your hotbar.


Additional stats that are not shown in the Inventory window, such as your Crit Power and Weapon Speed for example are shown here.


In the course of playing the game, you'll be able to craft Collars, which let you tame creatures. The current maximum number of creatures you can have tamed at once is three. You can only tame non-hostile creatures. Choose carefully!

Tamed creatures become pets, and will follow you around, attacking anything that attacks you. They can be healed with a healing sceptre, or by sitting near a campfire.

You can also ride your pets by mounting them with the F key. How fast they will travel depends of the type of creature, and you can also attack with your weapon & some of its skills while mounted.

Due to pathfinding issues, pets may have difficulty keeping up with you when you go off gliding or delve into dungeons. In the event that they get stuck following you, they will teleport to your side if you move far away from them.

Currently only Quadruped animals can be tamed pending further work on the pets feature (allowing larger animals to be tamed will require balance issues to be addressed).


A screenshot of the map, showing several locales and icons.
Icons on the map.

Access the map by pressing M. You'll see icons representing dungeons, towns, and other points of interest along with brown lines denoting roads. The difficulty level of a dungeon is represented by the number of dots that appear above the icon. Your current location is initially at the center of the screen, but the map can be shifted around by clicking and dragging. The mouse wheel zooms in and out. There is also a minimap seen in regular play at the top right.


A screenshot of a player resting by a campfire
Approach a campfire to set your respawn point, and sit by it to heal up!

Campfires are interspersed across the world, marked by tall pillars of smoke. Approaching a campfire will show the message ‘Waypoint Saved’. When you die, you will respawn at the last campfire that saved your waypoint. Your waypoint persists through logins, so you can start each session approximately where you left off!

Sitting near a campfire with the K key will heal you over time. If you ever need respite from your travels, campfires are what you should look for!


Getting a hang on gliders may cost you a few broken bones, but once you get a feel for it you may find yourself looking for any excuse to explore a high place.


Pressing the Ctrl key will equip the glider. You can run around with it equipped, but you won’t be able to roll or draw your weapon at the same time.

You're going to need a steep slope or a cliff with enough vertical margin that you have time to redirect your fall into a glide. If you need to jump for some extra initial elevation it is recommended that you deploy the glider mid-jump, or else it will push against you on the way up. Another trick is to roll-jump for an extra initial boost.


Once airborn, you probably want to let go of any movement keys, as you'll mainly control the glider by looking in the direction you want to orient it towards. The controls used for movement on the ground are used for quickly adjusting pitch and direction while gliding.

Gliding in Veloren uses a simulated model of aerodynamics; the only acceleration you get is from falling due to gravity, and your only control mechanism is angling the glider against the wind in a way such that the produced lift and drag pushes you in the desired direction. These forces scale with the square of airflow velocity relative to you, so gaining and maintaining speed is important.

Angle of attack

The angle of attack is your pitch relative to the direction of air flow. It's zero when the glider is perfectly aligned with the wind, positive when pitched up and negative when pitched down. By default (when there is no control input) the glider is slightly pitched up relative to the direction you're looking to make you glide most efficiently (in terms of distance) while looking straight into the wind.

You get the best performance out of small angles of attack, so pitch and swoop with smooth, minute movements. Pitching too much will cause you to stall; an effect which causes the lift produced to drop sharply, putting you at risk of losing too much speed due to drag with little ability to regain control.


  • A controlled stall can be used to great effect for braking, but if you overdo it you may find yourself gliding backwards (or not at all).
  • Look out for cliffs or steep inclines and pitch down to swoop into a glide.
  • Lift scales linearly with angle of attack (for small angles), but the ("induced") drag scales exponentially. Balancing lift and drag is key to controlling your velocity, elevation and ultimately gliding distance.


The entrance to a dungeon.

Dungeons are marked on the map with a 'ruins' icon, along with a difficulty level. Dungeons with difficulties 0-3 are doable by a solo player; above that, you may want to find a group.

On entering the dungeon you’ll descend a long, spiral staircase that will eventually exit at the first dungeon level, deep below ground. Each level has a series of corridors and rooms containing hostile enemies and treasure chests. The most rare and powerful loot in the game can be obtained from dungeons!

Make sure you’re well stocked up on healing items before attempting your first dungeon. The only way out is up.


The entrance to a cave.

Caves are natural structures also marked on your map. Several resources, including Ores and Gems are most commonly found in caves. Inside, who knows what lurks? Are you prepared to plumb the depths, adventurer?

Merchants and Trading

What will you do with your newfound loot? Why, participate in the economy, of course!

A screenshot of a player interacting with a Merchant, who is sending the player a trade request.
A merchant looking for a sale.

In towns you may find a fancily-dressed NPC called a Merchant. To initiate a trade with a merchant or player, aim at them and press T, or press E and they'll send you a trade request!

The trade interface will show both parties' inventories and a trading window. Drag items into your offer space and the other party's items into theirs. The merchant will give feedback on the deal if it is not satisfactory. When everything is ready, click Accept.

Gold stacks can be split in half by pressing right click while dragging them. This is a temporary solution.

Item prices can fluctuate wildly between different places in the world. It depends on supply, demand, nearby resources, and a host of other factors. Knowledgeable players may be able to maximize their own profits.

Grouping Up

File:Veloren invite ingame.jpg
Invite other players to a group!

When playing in a multiplayer server, you may wish to team up with other players in order to conquer content without losing track of or hurting each other. The grouping function is your friend here. To invite other players to your group, press O to open the player list, click on the character you want to invite, and press Invite. Hovering over the character names will show you the player's account name.

Nearby group members appear as dots on your map. Group members also cannot damage each other (through conventional means). Experience gained by one member is split among the rest of the group as well.

Best Practices in Multiplayer

The servers make it possible for real players to interact with each other, making the experience and fun collaborative, thus making it more engaging and fun for everyone. However, it is important to preserve and take care of this interaction space, so that everyone can play in a healthy and respectful environment.


The game gets more fun with our friends!

The multiplayer mode allows us a unique gameplay experience, since you will not only play with NPCs, but also with other human beings like you!

However, it is important to create and encourage healthy spaces, so that everyone can have the most fun while playing. It is very important to maintain decorum and respect with everyone, both inside and outside the server chat rooms.

You must be respectful, patient, and polite to everyone, regardless of the moment. Remember that everyone is a real person with feelings, and can be hurt by a speech that could be avoided.

If any player has bothered you, or done something that you feel unpleasant about, don't rebut any speech and stay calm. To solve the problem, you can ask in the general chat if there are any administrators or moderators, and if any of them speak up, report the situation to them in a private chat. You can also ask for the discord username of this admin/mod to facilitate the exchange of information.

Remember that exposure creates a negative environment, and makes other players not want to play in this space. Therefore, even if the situation occurred in general chat, talk in a private place with someone responsible for the order of the server, to see together the best ways to address and resolve the situation.

Additional Hints for Beginners

Houses can contain useful items and equipment for you to pick up!

You might want to practice combat with small animals first; attacking denizens will get you killed quickly. Consider instead what help they may offer you in a time of need!

A screenshot showing the crafting menu with Apple Sticks highlighted
Craft some Apple Sticks for on-the-go healing!

Once you have enough leather scraps you can craft yourself some initial armor. Look for Apples or Mushrooms and Twigs (common in moderate forests). Combine them in the crafting menu to get Apple/Mushroom Sticks which give superior healing.

Nighttime can make it easier to spot campfires. If you're alone in the night, light sources are likely indications of safety.

A screenshot of a player crouching down in a forest
If you crouch, you'll make no noise and be able to sneak around enemies!

You may have noticed that you're able to crouch with Ctrl. This is more than just an animation! If a threat is in your path, consider sneaking around it. Once you use your weapon, though, the jig's up.

Useful Commands

/home - Teleports you to the default spawn and resets your waypoint. This is your best option if the map has changed and you enter the game stuck in solid ground.

/kill - Immediately kills your character.

/w - global chat

/r - regional chat

/g - group chat

/t [player] - direct message to a player

Admin Only

/give_item [filepath] [amount] - Gives you items. Use Tab to autocomplete.

/tp [player] - Teleports you to a player.

/spawn [argument 1] [argument 2] - Press Tab to cycle through options. Allows you to spawn entities.

/goto [x,y,z] - Teleports you to the specified coordinates.

/kit debug - Gives you some special equipment ;)

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