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Getting Started

From Veloren Wiki
Revision as of 07:42, 16 March 2021 by en>DaforLynx (Lots of rewriting (copying from the Book) and replacing images. Added Poise summary.)

Character Creation

File:Character creation.jpg
The Character Creation Screen

Welcome to the character creation screen! Currently only aesthetic choices are shown; eventually this interface will be expanded to contain lore on each species, guidance on chosen weapons, and starting stats of each species. As of now, however, your choice of species matters little.

There are currently six playable races in Veloren: Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, Elves, Undead, and Danari. The Danari are the only species you won’t be familiar with; they’re a special species created for the game.

As well as choosing your species, here you choose your starting weapon. There are no species restrictions on weapons, and choosing your starter weapon does not lock you into that choice; as you play you’ll find weapons of the other types and can switch to those with no penalty.

You can set your hair style and colour, skin colour, eye details, eye colour, and - only available to some species - accessories. Use the randomize button (the dice icon) to randomize your character's appearance and name.

When you’ve finished creating your character, enter a name, and then click Create. Choose your character from the list, click Enter World, and you’ll enter the game world.

First Steps

File:Fresh start.png
Main interface and hotkeys

You’ll enter the world in a certain town. This is the default world and will be the same for every character you make. This is a pre-generated world; it is possible to generate your own world with a new seed, but this process takes a long time, and so this current world has been pre-generated for your convenience.

Look around your interface. At the top left you’ll see that you can press F1 to show keybinds; have a look at this. On the bottom right, you’ll see a few icons and their corresponding keybinds.

  • P - Opens the diary
  • M - Opens the map
  • O - Opens your social menu
  • N - Opens your settings
  • B - Opens your bag / inventory
  • C - Opens the crafting menu

You can change most key bindings in the settings.

Movement follows the conventions of other similar games, but you will want to know how to pull out your glider (Shift) and how to climb vertical surfaces (hold Space).

Inventory and Items

File:Inventory and hotbar.png
Drag items from your inventory to your hotbar

Press B to open your inventory.

Items in your inventory can be used by right-clicking them, which usually either equips it on your character, swapping with whatever gear was in its slot, or consumes the item, applying its effects.

Inventory slots can be assigned to hotbar slots by clicking and dragging the item stored in the slot to the hotbar. Any items in that inventory slot will then appear in the assigned hotbar slot. Hotbar slots can be reassigned by dragging an item in a different inventory slot to it. Using an item from a hotbar slot has the same effect as right-clicking it from the inventory.

Note: The first hotbar slot is reserved for weapon abilities, when you unlock them.

If your inventory is getting cluttered or full, you can rearrange the items by dragging them around, or throw them away by dragging them outside the inventory window. Items you throw away can be picked back up as long as you stay near them.

There are many items to collect, and they come in the form of tools, crafting materials, gear, and consumables.

Gear items are items that can be equipped on your character. They can be crafted from materials or looted from enemies and chests and come in several rarities. Gear is one of the main ways to progress your character.

Consumables are items that are, well, consumed on use. They come in several varieties, the most prominent of which are food and potions. Food affects you at a certain rate for its duration while potions take effect instantaneously.

Some objects can be gathered from the world directly.

Some objects, like apples and loot bags, can be interacted with to give you an item. Look out for objects that highlight when your crosshair passes near them.

Prepare yourself by equipping gear.


Gear can be crafted, looted, or traded for. Gear has different rarites which roughly correspond to their quality; however, gear within tiers often have certain trade-offs when it comes to stats. Read carefully!

Along with skills, gear is one of two main ways to progress through the game. If you're having difficulty in combat, consider acquiring better gear!


For a more intensive look visit Crafting

File:Crafting menu.jpg
Crafting menu

You can open the crafting menu with the C key. You'll see a list of craftable items, some of which may be greyed out - that means you have insufficient materials or tools to craft them. Items can be crafted with materials either gathered from the world or dropped by enemies. Food items can be crafted into even more effective foods, and some basic weapons and armor can also be crafted.

The fireworks are for celebratory use only; ignite responsibly.

Weapons and Combat

File:Health and stamina.png
Resource bars and attacks.

As you wander the world of Veloren, you'll encounter all manner of animals, monsters, NPCs, and maybe even players. In general, predatory animals and monsters will attack you on sight, while docile creatures and NPCs will ignore you unless attacked.

Each weapon has a left-click basic attack and one or more skills on right click and the hotbar. Skills usually use stamina or another resource; basic attacks regenerate stamina. Each weapon has its own playstyle, and serve to replace conventional 'classes,' in a sense.

Using more than one weapon by equipping it to the 'offhand' will increase your combat options immensely! Switch to your offhand weapon by pressing Tab.

Dodging enemy attacks is important. Middle-click will swiftly roll you out of the way, and reset your Poise (see below). Use sideways movement to avoid ranged attacks while closing in or returning fire. If you use ranged weapons against a melee attacker, try to keep your distance.

Use a training dummy (found in towns) to familiarize yourself with your weapons' attacks and abilities.


In combat, there is a hidden stat called Poise, which constantly changes over the course of a battle.

Poise starts at 100%, and attacks lower poise - different attacks lower it by different amounts. If an attack brings you under a certain threshold, depending on the severity of that attack, you will suffer one of the following status effects, in order of severity: Interrupted, Stumbled, Knocked Down, Knocked Back, and Knocked Out. Upon receiving one of these debuffs, your Poise resets to 100% and you become immune to Poise damage for the duration of it. Completing a roll also resets your Poise.

Note that both you and your enemy have and are affected by Poise. Time your most powerful attacks and avoid your enemies' to take advantage of this system!

Character Progression

Upon character creation you start with a power 5 weapon, ragged clothing, one apple and one piece of dwarven cheese. You can gain items by killing animals and dungeon dwelling enemies, by picking apples and sunflowers, and by opening chests. Killing NPCs and players will earn you experience points. Every level you gain increases your health by a small increment.


Non-herbivores, angry giants, and cultists become aggressive as soon as they detect you.

Taming & Mounts

You can tame animals and giant humans. You can tame pets by dragging your collar item into your hotbar and pressing the hotkey associated with the collar when your cursor is on the animal you want to tame. Mounts are not in a playable state and thus only available in single player. All you have to do is have a tamed pet and when your cursor is on it press f. You should be able to mount and control your pet afterwards.


Campfires act as respawn locations in Veloren. When your character is within 5 blocks of a campfire, it will become your new waypoint (respawn location). Campfires can be found scattered throughout the overworld, as well as at the entrance to dungeons.

Sitting near a campfire will regenerate 1 health point per second.


Chests can be found on top of forest canopies and dungeons. Chests are higher concentrated in dungeons. Chests can give you food, crafting materials, armor, weapons. You can see the loot tables for chests by opening the loot table files in the Veloren assets folder.


Press left shift to open your glider. If you release the movement keys while gliding you will float slowly down to the ground. Be careful not to close your glider while in the air, or you may experience a large amount of fall damage!

Also opening the Glider midair costs a significant amount of Stamina.


Dungeons are runic structures which can be identified on the map as brown dots without roads connected to them. They consist of a maze of rooms which span 4-5 floors. If you are under level 40 it is a good idea to create a group with other online players or friends before attempting one. (It's also more fun!)


Caves offer a similar challenge to dungeons, and it is where you can find unique resources and enemies. Unlike dungeons there is no end goal and the main goal for caves is more exploration than clearing.

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