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==Taming & Mounts==
In singleplayer you can olny tame animals
You can tame pets in single player by dragging your collar item into your hotbar and pressing the hotkey associated with the collar when your cursor is on the animal you want to tame.
Mounts are a work in progress in veloren and are olny available in single player. All you have to do is have a tamed pet and when you cursor is on it press f. You should be able to mount and control your pet afterwards.

Revision as of 17:10, 25 September 2020

{{CenterTemplate:Under Construction}}

Character Creation

The Character Creation Screen

Welcome to the character creation screen! Currently only aesthetic choices are shown; eventually this interface will be expanded to contain lore on each species, guidance on chosen weapons, and starting stats of each species.

There are currently six playable species in Veloren; Human, Orc, Dwarf, Elf, Undead, and Danari. The Danari are the only species you won’t be familiar with; they’re a special species created for the game.

Each species has slightly different starting stats. At this point in the game these have negligible effect on playstyle and can be ignored - they’re not even displayed in the Character Creation screen. The size differences between the species have no bearing on how they play in-game and is just an aesthetic difference.

As well as choosing your species, here you choose your starting weapon. Daggers are still being implemented, and so their icon is greyed out and un-selectable. There are no species restrictions on weapons, and choosing your starter weapon does not lock you into that choice; as you play you’ll find weapons of the other types and can switch to those with no penalty.

You can set your hair style and colour, skin colour, eye details, eye colour, and - only available to some species - accessories.

When you’ve finished creating your character, enter a name, and then click Create. Choose your character from the list, click Enter World, and you’ll enter the game world.

First Steps

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You’ll enter the world in a little village nestled at the foot of a mountain. This is the default world and will be the same for every character you make. This is a pre-generated world; it is possible to generate your own world with a new seed, but this process takes a long time, and so this current world has been pre-generated for your convenience.

Look around your interface. At the top left you’ll see that you can press F1 to show keybinds; have a look at this. On the bottom right, you’ll see a few icons and their corresponding keybinds.

  • P - Opens spells (not currently implemented)
  • M - Opens the map (this isn’t the final map; the map system is being reworked)
  • O - Opens your social tab
  • N - Opens your settings
  • B - Opens your bag / inventory

You’ll notice NPCs and animals wandering around town. In general, predatory animals and monsters will attack the player on sight, while docile creatures and NPCs will ignore the player until attacked. Observe carefully and you may notice wildlife interacting with each other. A player might even be able to score easy loot this way!

There are also currently no guards; if you attack an NPC they will cry for help and will attack you in return, but otherwise there are no consequences and you can kill them (meanie).

Managing your Inventory

File:Managing your inventory.jpg
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The first nine slots of your bag space, across the topmost row, correspond to slots 1 - 9 in your hotbar. If you drag something from slot 1 of your bag to slot 1 of your hotbar, it binds that slot in your bag to slot 1 of the hotbar. Right now I’ve moved my cheese there, but if I run out of cheese and move an apple into that first slot in my bag, slot 1 of my hotbar will change to the apple. If I run out of cheese and meanwhile loot a weapon that falls into slot 1 of my bag, I’ll see that weapon in slot 1 of my hotbar.

Looting and Gathering

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Press the E key when you cuser is on the loot bag/chest/fruit to pick it up. Try switching to first person view by scrolling all the way in (or pressing the 0 key) to make gathering easier.


Gear can be crafted or looted from fallen enemies and chests. Currently, the only stats associated with gear are "power" and "armor" values. Higher power gives a weapon more damage. Higher armor on worn gear gives damage reduction scaled to your total armor. Gear is the fastest and easiest method of progressing, so get started early!


For a more intensive look visit Crafting

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You can open the crafting menu with the C key. Items can be crafted with gatherable materials such as Twigs, which can be picked up off the ground, and other materials that may drop from enemies. Food items can be crafted into even more effective foods, and some weapons and armor can also be crafted.

The fireworks are for celebratory use only; ignite responsibly.

Weapons and Combat

File:Weapons and combat.jpg
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Each weapon has a left- and right- mouse button attack. The mouse-left attack can be considered a ‘light’ attack, while the mouse-right attack is heavier and usually consumes stamina. Some weapons, namely staves, have a second ability activated by pressing 1 in the hotbar. The ability will replace whatever item is in that hotbar slot when you equip the weapon.

Each weapon has its own 'style'. The sword attacks are very mobile, whereas the hammer is stationary. Ranged requires good aim, and the magical attacks can do things like destroy blocks. The slower weapons have a couple of points higher base damage, while the faster weapons have slightly lower base stats but hit more often. Most creatures in the game are stationary when attacking, but you will find more mobile enemies in the dungeons and might want to switch to a different weapon to deal with those.

Note: The entire weapon system is undergoing an overhaul. What is described above is accurate to the system at the time of writing. Expect combat to change as time goes on.

Character Progression

As said many times before in the wiki veloren is a work in progress and much more is planned. But there a progression system. In the beggining of the game you start with a power 5 weapon, ragged clothing, one apple and cheese peice. You can gain items by killing animals, dungeon dwelling enimes, and opening chests. You will also get xp by killing things. Every level you gain increases you health by a small increment.


Taming & Mounts

In singleplayer you can olny tame animals


You can tame pets by dragging your collar item into your hotbar and pressing the hotkey associated with the collar when your cursor is on the animal you want to tame.


Mounts are a work in progress in veloren and are olny available in single player. All you have to do is have a tamed pet and when you cursor is on it press f. You should be able to mount and control your pet afterwards.


Campfires are entitys where if you collide with them your spawn point will be set. So whenever you die in veloren you will respawn at the campfire. Please not that when you log out or go back to the character selection screen you will not start at the campfire but instead start at spawn. Campfires can be found at random locations all over the map(even in lakes). They are also present in every floor of dungeons.





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