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Reporting Bugs

From Veloren Wiki

Reporting Bugs

  1. The first step is to check if the bug was already reported on our GitLab issues list.
  2. If not, create an issue with the Bug template and try to describe the bug as accurately as possible, including screenshots if possible.
  3. Upload the log file for additional information which can help us identify the issue. See below how to get logs.
    (Note: make sure no sensitive information is included in the log files)
  4. Submit the issue

Tip: In case you do not want to create an GitLab account, you can join our Discord server and report the bug in #bugs-and-support.

Collect Logs

If you encounter problems with Veloren, we might ask you for logs or a trace. This tutorial shows you how to collect the logs, depending on your operating system, and the way you have installed Veloren.

By default a Veloren server and the voxygen system will both produce logs. They are printed in the terminal/cmd and to a file, called voxygen.log.<todays_date>. It even prints where the file is located to terminal/cmd:

Nov 25 01:40:14.388 INFO veloren_voxygen::logging: Setup terminal and file logging. logdir="/mnt/games/cargo-build/debug/userdata/voxygen/logs"

By default the granularity is INFO, but please provide logs on TRACE level (as shown below). Search for a message called Tracing is successfully set to TRACE to verify TRACE level is enabled.

Linux and macOS


  1. Start Airshipper with -vv argument.
  2. When the game starts it will print to the terminal the location of the log file. Check the Airshipper page.


1. Start voxygen with TRACE level in terminal:

  RUST_LOG="trace" ./target/debug/veloren-voxygen
  # or RUST_LOG="trace" cargo run

2. Copy trace from terminal or the log file mentioned above.



  1. Open a console (cmd).
    > On Windows press Windows key + R. Then type cmd and hit enter.
  2. Type airshipper run -vv and hit enter.
  3. Run the game until you encounter the problem.
  4. The logs should be located in %Appdata%/airshipper/profiles/default/userdata/voxygen/logs or check the Airshipper page.


Git Bash

-> See Linux/Compiled above


  1. Open a console (cmd).
  2. Go to your Veloren folder with the cd command, e.g. cd C:\Users\<Your Username>\Desktop\veloren.
  3. Write set RUST_LOG=trace&& veloren-voxygen.exe and hit enter (exactly like here, without whitespace before &&)
  4. The logs will now be printed to the Windows console and the folder userdata\voxygen\logs or %appdata%\veloren\.
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