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CSV Clean-up

From Veloren Wiki

This is the continuation of the guide Cargo Export

We exported the csv file via cargo export-csv "armor-stats" in the game directory .../MyDocuments/Git/veloren. The file it located at the root of game directory .../MyDocuments/Git/veloren where you run the command.

Open it with excel or Libre Calc. Here we will use Libre Calc. Libre Calc will convert the CVS data into table. Let it by default and change :

  • the language to English (UK)
  • the character set : Unicode (UTF-8)

PICTURE Here is the table, we can use it as it is with Control+F. Or class item by their usage, name...even creating a builder for testing purpose.

The builder

we will create a nice builder where armor are classed by type (chest, hands, feet...). So you can choose the armor through a list and see the final stats of your equipments.

As there will be various changes, tweaks, we will use macro to repeat the process. So the first step will be creating a macro that will tell Libre Calc :

  • On the first sheet : armorstats :
    • Short Data by Kind then name
    • Filter all data by kind
  • Create a new sheet, name it builder
    • Create a table with belt search, armor search (VLOOKUP)
    • Create a row with SUM

Let's start (WIP)

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